A minefield if not correctly advised. You only get one chance to get it wrong!
Following is our senior adviser Peter Donovan’s personal experience
“In 2013 my mother had to enter residential aged care and like most I thought this would be a walk in the park. I could not have been any more wrong. I emersed myself in an understanding of the rules and regulations surrounding aged care and developed a passion to help other along the journey of evaluating options for the right aged care solutions. I am a great believer that you should stay in your home for as long as you can so home care packages are a first step and I enjoy helping people retain their dignity by staying in their own home and utilising home care packages and aligned services. Then when the time comes to making the move to residential aged care we are already well on the way to the right solution. I have developed an easy to understand 5 step process to help you understand the journey and decisions that need to be made and also to ensure that your Centrelink benefits are maximised.”